My name is Sharon and I recently purchased your finger prostheses from Ebay last year. My Son Phillip Brown through encouragement from his wife Racanee found your company while searching on the internet in hopes of helping his Mother. I was involved in a car accident by a drunk driver and the impact sent my car airborne and rolled several times. During the roll my hand fell outside of the window and my SUV landed on my hands crushing my fingers. Two were amputated at least I guess I can say now the tips were amputated, the thumb had to be rebuilt and they managed to save the ring finger. My Son was so impressed with your product that he ordered them for me. I have to say we all as a family cried. It looked so natural and I felt whole again. I wore them when out but after a while the index finger had a tear and that's when I purchased the index finger from your EBAY site on my own. You had a note there for me to send pictures but I thought I was just using them for a little while as I was waiting for Tricare to approve the custom ones. I really thought they were going to approve a custom set but they denied the request and I have appealed twice with no results. Of course that has been very emotional for me. They stated it was not a medical necessity, rather personal comfort and convenience (and that my right hand was my dominate hand)....WOW!!! I even reach out to media, still no help anywhere. The woman that hit me had the bare min of insurance, yes she serving time in jail, 4 years but I am forever changed. All I know is that I came into this world with 10 fingers and to have to learn a new norm at 50 plus years of age is kind of hard to accept. I know things could have been worst, I know I could have lost my life and for that I am grateful to be alive.
But on January 19th I received another letter from Tricare stating the the decision STANDS.. Some said I should continue to fight but I had no more energy to fight, I thought for a second that maybe i would appeal one more time, a third time. I went online first to search again to see if I could just find another company that could do the custom fingers for me and we would just have to see how we would come up with the money. To my surprise that evening, a website came up with the letters EBL. For some reason it sounded familiar to me and then I realized my Son had purchased the standard fingers from this company on EBAY and that's when I wrote to Emily and shared what I had been through. She responded with kindness and stated she had recently created the website because because she wanted to provide much more information about her products than can be done via EBAY. She stated that she had completely redesigned the prosthetic collection. That meant the new ones were stronger and would tear less than the others and the big PLUS for me.....the darker skin tones are more realistic with a lighter nail bed and palm side....OH MY GOD, I cried. She offered to design those custom fingers for me and since I had already been a customer, now a returning customer she gave me a discount which allowed my family and friends to assist me in getting the funds to start the process. .Once paid, received a kt to create the mold, my daughter assisted me with it, we got it in the mail and a few weeks later I was crying again with JOY, even friends and family cried with JOY along with me. It has been wonderful. I took a typing test, min 5000 keystrokes, I did 6500... WOW!!! I recently was told about someone that has had trauma and lost a couple of fingers, should they decide to follow up with me, I will be sending them to Emily. Now I can help someone else when there was no one available for me. I fought for a year and then we found EBL Sculpture. The pictures show the results, before adding the fingers and then all fingers all polished up. YES, YES, YES!!!
Thank you Emily and GOD BLESS!!
But on January 19th I received another letter from Tricare stating the the decision STANDS.. Some said I should continue to fight but I had no more energy to fight, I thought for a second that maybe i would appeal one more time, a third time. I went online first to search again to see if I could just find another company that could do the custom fingers for me and we would just have to see how we would come up with the money. To my surprise that evening, a website came up with the letters EBL. For some reason it sounded familiar to me and then I realized my Son had purchased the standard fingers from this company on EBAY and that's when I wrote to Emily and shared what I had been through. She responded with kindness and stated she had recently created the website because because she wanted to provide much more information about her products than can be done via EBAY. She stated that she had completely redesigned the prosthetic collection. That meant the new ones were stronger and would tear less than the others and the big PLUS for me.....the darker skin tones are more realistic with a lighter nail bed and palm side....OH MY GOD, I cried. She offered to design those custom fingers for me and since I had already been a customer, now a returning customer she gave me a discount which allowed my family and friends to assist me in getting the funds to start the process. .Once paid, received a kt to create the mold, my daughter assisted me with it, we got it in the mail and a few weeks later I was crying again with JOY, even friends and family cried with JOY along with me. It has been wonderful. I took a typing test, min 5000 keystrokes, I did 6500... WOW!!! I recently was told about someone that has had trauma and lost a couple of fingers, should they decide to follow up with me, I will be sending them to Emily. Now I can help someone else when there was no one available for me. I fought for a year and then we found EBL Sculpture. The pictures show the results, before adding the fingers and then all fingers all polished up. YES, YES, YES!!!
Thank you Emily and GOD BLESS!!